Cool Score

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Cool Score is a super fun game where you collect awesome stickers while racing against your friends! You start with a silly character, and you have to jump over bumps and slide under rainbow arches. There are magical power-ups like speed boosts and invincibility that help you get ahead! The more stickers you gather, the cooler your character looks. You can even customize them with hats and crazy outfits. Plus, you earn points for doing cool tricks like flips and spins! The first one to reach the end and collect the most stickers wins! Let’s see who can be the coolest!

Okay, here’s how to play Cool Score! First, you need a big piece of paper or a whiteboard. Each player gets a special marker. Draw a giant scoreboard with everyone’s names. Then, take turns doing funny challenges like a silly dance or making a funny face! If everyone laughs, you score a point! If it’s super funny, score two points! After everyone has had a turn, add up the points. The one with the most points at the end is the Cool Score Champion! Don’t forget to cheer for each other and have lots of fun! Ready, set, go!

