Emoji Limax

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Emoji Limax is a super fun game where you get to be a shiny, squiggly creature! You start in a colorful world filled with emojis everywhere. Your job is to eat all the little emojis to grow bigger and stronger. But watch out! Other squiggly creatures are trying to munch on you too! You can sneak up on them or run away super fast. The more emojis you eat, the longer and cooler your creature becomes! There are cool powers and surprises too! It’s like a crazy race with emojis, and you never know who will be the biggest squiggly creature!

Alright, listen up! In Emoji Limax, you get a big shiny board filled with all kinds of fun emojis! First, everyone picks their favorite emoji to be their character. Then, we take turns rolling a colorful dice to move on the board. When you land on a space with an emoji, you have to make the same silly face or sound as that emoji! If you do it right, you get a sticker! If you land on a sparkly star, you can jump ahead! The first one to reach the finish line gets a special prize! Ready, set, go!
