Internet Hangman

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Internet Hangman is a super fun word-guessing game you can play with friends online! One player thinks of a secret word, and the others try to guess it by saying letters. For every wrong guess, a part of a stick figure gets drawn. If you guess the word before the stick figure is complete, you win! But if the whole figure is drawn, it's game over! You can play with different themes like animals, movies, or video games, making it even cooler! It’s like a puzzle adventure where you get to use your brain and have lots of laughs with friends!

Okay! First, one person thinks of a word and writes down spaces for each letter, like this: _ _ _ _ (for “frog”). The other person guesses letters one at a time. If they guess a letter in the word, fill it in! Yay! If they guess wrong, you draw part of a hangman (like a head, body, arms, and legs) on a chalkboard or paper. They get 6 wrong guesses before the hangman is complete! Keep guessing letters until you figure out the word or the hangman is done! Have fun and be silly with your words!

