Perfect Tongue

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In Perfect Tongue, you get to be a super silly tongue expert! You spin a big wheel and it lands on a funny tongue challenge, like saying “Fluffy Flamingos Fly Fast” with your mouth wide open! You and your friends take turns trying to say the zaniest phrases while everyone else laughs. If you can say it perfectly, you win glittery stickers! Sometimes, you have to make crazy faces too, which makes it even funnier! It's all about being goofy and having the best time ever! The giggles never stop in this awesome tongue-twisting adventure!

Okay, here we go! You need a buddy for this game. First, stand facing each other. One person picks a silly word, like “gobble” or “wiggle.” Then, they say it really fast, and the other person tries to copy them perfectly! If you mess up, giggle and try again! You can take turns, and whoever says the word the best gets a point. Don’t forget to make funny faces while you’re doing it! You can set a timer for 5 minutes and see who can get the most points. Ready, set, go! Let the tongue-twisting fun begin!

