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Takeover is a super fun game where you get to be a sneaky little ninja! You're trying to take control of different spots on a colorful board while sneaking past your friends. You move your funny little tokens and try to capture as many areas as you can. But watch out for sneaky surprises and tricky moves from your friends! The goal is to have the most areas when the game ends. It’s like a big treasure hunt where you want to be the king or queen of the board! Get ready to laugh and steal the win from your pals!

Okay, so here’s how to play Takeover! First, grab your friends and pick teams, like superheroes! Place your game board on a flat surface. Each player chooses a color and gets their pieces. The goal is to take over the most spaces! You take turns rolling a die and moving your pieces. If you land on a space that’s empty, claim it by putting one of your pieces there! If someone else is already there, you can “take over” by landing on it with two pieces! The game ends when all spaces are filled. Count your pieces to see who wins! Yay!

