What Comes Next

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What Comes Next is a super fun game where you get to think fast! First, someone says a word, like "apple," and then you have to say another word that comes after it, like "pie!" Then, the next player has to say a word that goes with "pie," like "cherries." It’s a race to see who can keep the words going without repeating! Sometimes, you can say silly words, and it makes everyone laugh! If you get stuck, you just have to try again. The game keeps going until everyone can’t think of anything more. It’s really awesome for friends and family!

Okay, here’s how to play ‘What Comes Next’! Gather your friends and sit in a circle. One person starts by saying a word. Then the next player has to say a word that goes with it! Like if I say "dog," you might say "bark." Keep going around! If someone can’t think of a word or repeats one, they’re out! The last person left is the winner! You can make it more fun by choosing themes like animals, foods, or even superheroes! Remember to think fast and be creative! Ready, set, let’s see who’s the best at guessing!

